After some searching, we have found some salvias that for years seemed impossible to find. We have always been interested in hardy varieties for Zone 6 beyond the normal and common types found at most nurseries. The photos are from other sites, wish ours looked like that! While those of us living on the East Coast do not have the Hummingbird species the west and southwest has, these salvias come back year after year for the little ruby throats that visit eastern gardens.
Recently we have been sent S Castanea, S Przewalskii (several varieties), S Flava v megalantha, S Bulleyana. Several seedlinigs of Castanea have sprouted and are taking off though this miserable NJ weather this year is not helping things.
While searching for these I found they are much looked for by Salvia enthusiasts, once we get them growing and have mother plants, we hope to offer some for sale or trade, but that is a year or two away unfortunately.
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